After the installation of wi fi in my apartment, i cm 2 ve 2 mch o tym ta kll.. awww fuck i cannot do this to myself.... I was checking out FB and saw a comment on my friends photo...
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nuu cut...nuu cut...pweettiieeee picha..
I did not understand even a word - if you can call it a word, of it. Can you? (if you can you are truly a born linguist) I initially thought this was some cryptic code used between the girls,but how wrong i was.
Phew, the amount of abbrv. that is being used these days are mind boggling. Not that i am against it or i am "old fashioned" (as one of my friend addressed me), but i feel down the line we will need dictionaries to "expand" the words and people will forget how the word is actually pronounced and spelt!!!!
One used to find a lot of people trying to mimic Americans, now that era has long gone by, a nu(new) generation has come out trying to imitate the gangster slang there..sheesh..."nuf s nuf"
A extent of abbrv is accepted as its understandable and is for convenience. But this degree of abbrv is actually complicating the sentence rather than make it simple.I know its considered to be "cool" , "rad" and "slick"......but its just so bloody fake. Get real. Grow up.
and btw...
it actually means...
"New cut, new cut..pretty picture "
Kudos to those who got it right.....
More the UK diaspora influence. I 'fink' daz wah it is.
phew! thanks for the explanation... even a toddler would talk better!
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